10.30am church

10.30am church

Morning church at All Saints is for all ages – from babies to seniors and everyone in between. We begin with adults and kids all together for about 10 minutes, before the kids head off to the Cornerstone Kids Program.

We enjoy singing God’s praises to celebrate what he’s done for us through Jesus. We bring our needs to God in prayer, knowing that he listens and cares. And we listen to God speak to us as we read the Bible and ponder its message. Each week one of our ministers or an experienced church member gives a Bible talk which unpacks the passages we’ve read and explores their relevance to our lives. After the formal part of church is done we spend time together over morning tea on the lawn.

Everyone is welcome at All Saints on Sundays.  If you just want to sit down the back, watch what happens, and slip out at the end, that’s fine.  Or if you want to meet new people, ask questions and find out how to be more involved in church life, we’d love that too.  You don’t need to dress up or pay any money. You can get a preview by watching a previous service on YouTube.

Masks are not required, but you are welcome to wear a mask if you choose. We are maximising ventilation to minimise covid risks. If you are sick with any respiratory symptoms, or have had a postive COVID test recently, please stay home and watch the livestream instead.