Good Friday Services

Good Friday Services

On the day we now celebrate as  Good Friday, back in AD 33 a Roman centurion soldier was doing his regular duties, which included executing criminals. But on this day, Jesus of Nazareth was one of those whom he crucified. And the events of that day caused this man to reflect, and particularly to reflect on who Jesus was. One of the biographers of Jesus records this: And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” Having the time to reflect on Jesus, the centurion concluded that Jesus was the Son of God. And many millions over the years, who have stopped and spent some time reflecting at Easter, have concluded the same thing.

We’d love you to join us this Good Friday at 9am or 10.30, in person or online, so that you can reflect on yourself and your life. But we’d especially like to give you an opportunity to reflect on Jesus.  Who was he? Why would he die a criminal’s death? What relevance does he have to my life? Because if you reflect on Jesus, you may well find that he truly is the Son of God, and that may transform your life in ways that are truly surprising.

9am Good Friday Service: More classical in style, no kids program

10.30am Good Friday Service: More contemporary in style, with Cornerstone kids program