ZONE | years 5-6 | 4-5:30pm

Bring your friends, your energy and your questions. ZONE is a safe and fun place for everyone and anyone eager to engage with the real Jesus. It runs Friday afternoons during school terms.
Term 1, we will be looking at the biography that Luke wrote about Jesus, narrowing in on the people who Jesus met. These meetings teach us a lot about God and ourselves, and they’re not the people we might expect Jesus to befriend.
We are returning to serving food again in term 1 in COVID safe manner, which means we’ll be asking for $2 each week or $15 for the term.
We will make sure the All Saints COVID safe procedures are followed at ZONE. Begins Friday 12 February 4-5:30pm at All Saints Anglican Church.

Please complete the registration form so we have all the info needed for your child.