110% Spiritual Blessing

110% Spiritual Blessing

In Ephesians 1:1-14 we are reminded of something quite profound; as Christians we have

every spiritual blessing in Christ.

In this short rich passage the Apostle Paul answers four big questions:

  1. What did God do?
  2. How did God do it?
  3. Why did God do what He did?
  4. What are the implications for us?

We hear that the spiritual blessings God has lavished on us in Christ include; election to holiness, adoption as sons and daughters, redemption and the forgiveness of sins, a knowledge of God’s plans to sum up everything in Christ, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

All these things happen in and through the work of Christ Jesus.

If our identity is found “in Christ” how should that impact the way we live as Christians?


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