Do what it says

Do what it says

Do what it says! James 1:18-27

James is brash and clear in his instructions in James 1:22 to his “dear brothers and sisters in Christ”, namely,

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James outlines that Christians are to:

  1. Hear God’s word, (v19-20)
  2. Accept God’s word (v21)
  3. Obey God’s word (v22-25)

But such bold instructions raise questions for Christians; how do we hear God’s word, what does it mean to accept His word, and how do we ensure that we obey God’s word? What are the consequences of accepting and obeying God’s word and not accepting or obeying His word?

James spells out some specific applications for Christians of what it means to be “hearers” and “doers” of God’s word concerning listening, speaking, moral filth, anger, orphans, widows and religion. Listen to what James has to say to that you too can know the great blessings of hearing, accepting and obeying God’s word.


Pure Joy


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