Easter at All Saints
Many of us love a sanitised version of Easter – easter egg hunts, rabbits and chocolate. The most difficult part is constructing an elaborate hat for the school Easter Hat Parade, and then not being discouraged when you see what other kids are wearing! This version of Easter is lovely and fluffy and we can attach basically any meaning we like to it. But the original version of Easter is far from sanitised, and much richer in meaning.
The original Easter events show us God’s heart for humanity, and the extent of his love for us. It’s where Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is put to death on a Roman cross just outside of Jerusalem. The Bible explains that this was not a random event of history, but an intentional act of God for our benefit. The Bible says ‘God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood’. The cross shows us how far God is willing to go to reconcile the world to himself.
This year, why don’t you look deeper into what Easter is all about? Come along to one of our Easter services at All Saints and experience what God has done and see his love for you.
Good Friday, 29th March
9.30am A reflective service remembering Jesus’ saving death. Includes kids program.
Easter Sunday, 31st March
9.30am Morning Church a joyful service celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Includes kids program.
6.30pm Easter on the lawn. Come at 6pm for dinner before our fireside Easter service. Stay afterwards for marshmallows.